
manufacturer: Eumig, Wien, Austria

founded in 1919

Austrian manufacturer of electric and electronic devices, founded in 1919 as Elektrizitäts Und Metallwaren Industrie Gesellschaf. In 1931 it began the production of subestandard-gauge film projectors and movie cameras. From 1960 also produced radios and television sets. About 1975 Eumig was contracted by Polaroid Company for producing the Polavision System equipment that was launched in 1978. The quality of emulsion provided by Polaroid was bad and sales were non-existent. Eumig never recovered financially from this fiasco. In 1981 the company went bankrupcity at time when the company had 6000 employees. In 1989 the company Rothenberger GmbH bought the rights for the brand Eumig.

Eumig was famous as manufacturer of amateur movie cameras and movie projectors, but it also made some still cameras.